
A 3-post collection

Introducing FusionCache

By Stephen Darlington |  May 10, 2024  | programming
Imagine you’ve just launched the next big thing on the web. Your site is innovative, user-friendly, and now, swamped with visitors. But then, during those peak traffic hours, you notice a dreaded slowdown. Parts of your website begin to lag, tarnishing the otherwise seamless experience you worked hard to create. You think, “Much of this data barely changes. Why not cache it?” Caching is a secret weapon in the software developer’s arsenal, adept at tackling just these kinds of issues.
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Software Development: Career Path

By Stephen Darlington |  Feb 4, 2023  | programming, career
My last post was mainly about sharing my love of books, but my structure of organizing books into career tiers struck a nerve with some readers. As I am at the halfway point of my career, I’d like to offer my perspective on the career progression of a software engineer. Software Engineer I This is also called Programmer/Analyst at some companies. This will be your first job out of school. You’ll be mainly given bugs to fix and small, (hopefully) well-defined tasks.
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Software Development: The Books

By Stephen Darlington |  Dec 30, 2022  | programming, books
Part of the job of a software engineer is to keep learning. The development discipline is still relatively new and changes come frequently. Not only are there new frameworks and technologies sprouting every day (how ubiquitous has Docker become in the last decade?), but also new patterns and best practices of how to build software and software systems. There are slews of talks on YouTube and online courses, but sometimes nothing beats a book for a good, deep-dive into a topic.
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